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January 14, 2023
What plugins are compatible?

The following is a list of plugins we know to be compatible or specially integrated with MarketKing. This is not a definitive list in any way, and there will be many other compatible plugins that are not listed here. If you're looking to use a specific plugin not listed here, please get in touch for […]

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February 19, 2022
How do Escrow and Vendor Trust work in MarketKing?

Trust is an important component in any marketplace, but particularly so in marketplaces that deal with physical products or services (as opposed to digital products), as these cannot be verified directly by the marketplace team. There are several features and workflows in MarketKing that can be used to maintain trust in the marketplace: Escrow With […]

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August 9, 2020
MarketKing Shortcodes

The plugin comes with the following shortcodes that you can add anywhere in your website: Registration Form [marketking_vendor_registration] - It is used by the 'Become a Vendor' page. Please see the following article for details on registration setup: https://woocommerce-multivendor.com/docs/vendor-registration-approval/ Stores Page [marketking_vendors_list] will display the stores list page. You can also specific a vendor group […]

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August 4, 2020
MarketKing Changelog

We are constantly improving, developing and supporting MarketKing as a long-term project. See the current changelog here: CHANGELOG

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May 14, 2020
What themes are compatible with MarketKing?

MarketKing works out-of-the-box with all well-coded WooCommerce themes. Our plugin uses default WooCommerce hooks that all themes implement, so it does not rely on specific code for specific themes. Importantly, MarketKing's vendor dashboard is entirely independent of theme, so it will look the same in any site (same as in our demo). Read more about […]

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MarketKing is a product made with passion by SNP Digital, that we are constantly developing, supporting and improving.
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