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August 27, 2023
Hide Customer Email & Phone on Dashboard

By default, vendors are able to see the email and phone number of each customer / on each order. If you would like, you can hide this information from vendors by adding this PHP code snippet to your site: This code can be added to functions.php or by using a snippets plugin.

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August 3, 2023
Add a Custom Taxonomy to Vendor Products

Let's add a custom taxonomy to products, for example a 'Brand' taxonomy, so that vendors can choose which brand each product belongs to. Step 1: Create a taxonomy First of all, we need to create the taxonomy itself if it doesn't already exist. We can install the CPT UI plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/ Then go to CPT […]

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July 13, 2023
Set Vendor Upload File Size Limit

By default, MarketKing sets a limit of 1MB for vendor file uploads. It's possible to change this limit by adding a PHP code snippet to your site: The above code will set the limit to 10MB. You can change that number to anything you want (it represents the file size in bytes). For example you […]

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April 19, 2023
Hide other shipping methods when โ€œFree Shippingโ€ is available๏ฟผ

This snippet applies specifically to vendor shipping methods. There is a similar snippet on WooCommerce.com, but slight changes are required to that for it to work with our plugin. Hides everything butย free_shippingย andย local_pickupย if itโ€™s available and is compatible with Shipping Zones: You can add the above code to your functions.php or to any snippets plugin.

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February 13, 2023
Enable RTL Support in Vendor Dashboard

Starting with MarketKing Core 1.5.25 you can now enable RTL in the vendor dashboard by adding this PHP code snippet to your site: The snippet can be added to functions.php or to any snippets plugin. It will set the vendor's dashboard to RTL mode:

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January 28, 2023
How to Add Custom CSS to the Vendor Dashboard

Because the vendor dashboard is built in a way that's disconnected from the theme, typical methods of adding CSS do not work there. Here is how to do it: Add a PHP code snippet to your site, as follows: You can place any custom CSS between the <style> </style> tags. This CSS will only apply […]

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January 21, 2023
Add Editable Custom Product / User Fields with ACF in MarketKing

You may want to display custom ACF fields on the vendor dashboard and make these available to each vendor for their own products. Or you may want to display certain fields in the vendor dashboard profile area. Here is how we can achieve this: Step 1) Adding the necessary scripts and functions Add the following […]

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January 19, 2023
Enable Product Change Logs for Vendor Products

MarketKing allows you to request manual approval for all changes made by vendors to products on your marketplace. If you enable this, then whenever vendors change a product, you would need to approve it. After a period of time, when a vendor has gained your trust, you can enable the following setting on the vendor's […]

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August 24, 2022
How to Enable Search and Filter by Text, Category, Tags etc on Vendor Stores

To display products on the vendor store page, MarketKing uses WooCommerce's built-in [products] shortcode. Any filters plugin or solution that's compatible with this shortcode will also work with MarketKing. For a specific example, you can use the popular WOOF products search filter plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-products-filter/ (free version) To configure this plugin, go to its Settings -> […]

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August 14, 2022
Developer Documentation: Functions, Hooks, Custom Code, Plugin Integrations

(New!) - GitHub Page of the Core plugin: https://github.com/kingplugins/marketking-core In this article, we'll try to list everything you need to know when developing with MarketKing: Edit or overwrite dashboard or page templates Available plugin functions Available plugin hooks How to integrate a plugin (Example) How to add a custom link or page to the MarketKing […]

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MarketKing is a product made with passion by SNP Digital, that we are constantly developing, supporting and improving.
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