Add Editable Custom Product Fields with ACF in MarketKing

You may want to display custom ACF fields on the vendor dashboard and make these available to each vendor for their own products.

Here is how we can achieve this:

Step 1) Adding the necessary scripts and functions

Add the following PHP code snippet to your site - for example you can add this to functions.php:

add_action('marketking_extend_page', function($pageid){
    <div id="marketking_footer_hidden">

add_filter('marketking_css_queue', function($q){
    $new_items = array('acf-global','acf-input','acf-pro-input','acf-datepicker','acf-timepicker','tinymce','tinymce-root');
    $q = array_merge($q, $new_items);
    return $q;
}, 10, 1);

add_filter('marketking_js_queue', function($q){
    $new_items = array('acf-global','acf-input','acf-pro-input','acf-datepicker','acf-timepicker','acf-color-picker-alpha','tinymce','tinymce-root');
    $q = array_merge($q, $new_items);
    return $q;
}, 10, 1);

add_action('marketking_after_save_product', function($product_id, $vendor_id){
    do_action( 'acf/save_post', $product_id );
}, 10, 2);

2) Display your custom field on the vendor product page

Let's create a text field in ACF. For testing, we created this simple 'productcolor' field:

Then to display this field on the vendor dashboard page, we add this PHP code snippet:

add_action( 'marketking_edit_product_after_tags', function($post){
    <div class="col-xxl-12 col-md-12 marketking_card_gal_cat_tags" style="background: white; padding:20px;border-radius: 4px;">

            $product_id = $post->ID;

                'fields' => array('productcolor'),
                'form' => false,
                'post_id' => $product_id,

(it's important to replace 'productcolor' with the name of your custom field)

That's it!

We now have an editable field on the edit-product page:

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