Changelog and version history.
Enhancements: - Added optional AJAX loading for backend vendors table - Added beta WPML translation support, allowing each vendor to translate their products using WPML. Can be disabled using add_filter('marketking_allow_wpml_translations_dashboard','__return_false'); Fixes: - Fixed bug where vendor team members could not create multiple products. - Fixed issue with file uploads during existing users' vendor application - Fixed issue where updating a product scrolled to bottom of page - Fixed issue where clicking update user data did not save some types of data correctly.Version 2.0.25 - MarketKing Core and Pro - December 23d, 2024
Enhancements: - Added batch processing to announcement emails. - Improvements to permalinks stability / flushing. Fixes: - Fixed security vulnerability in MarketKing Core ( Missing Authorization ), as disclosed by Wordfence - Minor bug fixesVersion 2.0.00 - MarketKing Core and Pro - November 3rd, 2024
Enhancements: - Added ability to edit order commissions directly on each order - Added specific email compatibility with Kadence plugin - Added PHP validation to order form Fixes: - Fixed dashboard search issues - Fixed “per order” class shipping calculation bug - Additional security validationsVersion 1.9.80 - MarketKing Core and Pro - August 3rd, 2024
- New: Vendors can now message customers that ordered from them. - New: Integration with OrderConvo ( ) by Najeebmedia, - Enhancements to reverse commission invoices - Added integration with Germanized plugin, giving vendors access to fields such as GTIN, MPN, Warranty, etc. - Fixes for WPML on vendor dashboard - Fixed order attribution bug - Minor fixes and improvementsVersion 1.9.60 - MarketKing Core and Pro - June 2nd, 2024
Fixes: - Make products of vendors on vacation completely unpurchasable - Fixed bug with booking products showing twice on vendor dashboard - Minor bug fixes and improvementsVersion 1.9.35 - MarketKing Core and Pro - April 17th, 2024
Enhancements: - Minor improvements and bug fixes - Compatibility fixes for latest WooCommerce versionVersion 1.9.25 - MarketKing Core and Pro - March 5th, 2024
New features: - Bank Split Payments gateway Enhancements: - Added permission messages for team members on the vendor dashboard Fixes: - Fixed conflict error when using MarketKing together with the Minicart Block - Memberships packages update for WPML - Fixed Stripe Split Error related to statement descriptor - Fixed reports retrieval bugVersion 1.9.10 - MarketKing Core and Pro - January 25th, 2024
Enhancements: - Compatibility update for WooCommerce Checkout Blocks - Clicking the back button now sends tabs back on the vendor store page. - Commission invoice now uses editable template Fixes: - Shipping Display Dashboard Fix - Fixed bug where orders could not be completed while using shipments - Fixed bug with subscription attribution to vendorsVersion 1.9.00 - MarketKing Core and Pro - January 7th, 2024
Enhancements: - Introduced support for HPOS (High Performance Order Storage) - Dashboard now shows both regular and sale price for on-sale products - Shipping method configuration for the latest WooCommerce version Fixes: - Fixes for bookings functionality - Other minor fixes and improvementsVersion 1.8.30 - MarketKing Core and Pro - December 20th, 2023
Enhancements: - Added loader icons to add / edit buttons in vendor dashboard - Improved messaging mark as read/unread system Fixes: - Fix for Elementor vendor badges widget regarding size display. - Fixed issue where dashboard pages occasionally resulted in “404 not found” errors. - Fixed bug setting shipping tax to 0 incorrectly for split orders - Fixed bug with WooCommerce UPS address validation - Styling fix for variable product “add prices” modal.Version 1.8.20 - MarketKing Core and Pro - December 1st, 2023
New features: - Integration with WooCommerce USPS plugin for seller live rates based on origin postcode. - Integration with WooCommerce UPS plugin for seller live rates based on origin postcode. Enhancements: - Added shipping tracking functionality to admin order management - Added bank name and bank swift/bic to payout info - Stripe Split: vendors can now automatically refund their own orders, even if they are non-connected. Fixes: - Fixed B2BKing integration bug related to offers - Fixed issue with membership packs not assigning group correctly for non-subscriptions - Compatibility fixes for latest WooCommerce versionVersion 1.8.00 - MarketKing Core and Pro - November 8th, 2023
- Minor bug fixes and improvements - Fixed MarketKing advertising bug where advertised products list was lost.Version 1.7.85 - MarketKing Core and Pro - October 10th, 2023
Fixes: - Fixes multiple bugs in the Advertising feature - Hotfix: Because of a bug discovered in the previous version, previously advertised products will need to be advertised again. This can be done via the admin backend, by removing the ad, and advertising each product again.Version 1.7.80 - MarketKing Core and Pro - October 4th, 2023
New features: - Product Advertising: Enhancements: - Added option to auto-include new vendor products to coupons. - UI Enhancements Fixes: - Fixed select coloring issue in backed admin - Minor bug and issue fixesVersion 1.7.60 - MarketKing Core and Pro - September 11th, 2023
Enhancements: - New product save UI with different buttons for publishing the product and saving it as a draft: - Added success messages to settings changes on vendor dashboard - Added vacation message notification on vendor dashboard main page - Added “select all” buttons to coupon area, for easier vendor coupon creation Fixes: - Updates to the importer for the latest WooCommerce version - Fixed bug where vendor team members were not able to use the “Clone” button feature. - Fixed error when displaying vendor store page. - Fixed issue where subscription-related product and coupon types showed even if subscriptions were disabled for the vendor. - Fixed bug where trying to add a shipping package tracking resulted in page reload.Version 1.7.00 - MarketKing Core and Pro - July 6th, 2023
New features: - Subscriptions module - Social media profiles Enhancements: - Improvement to SPMV visibility in AJAX searches - Compatibility improvement for Woo 7.8.0, “generate variations” button. Fixes: - Update for latest WooCommerce Bookings plugin version solving issues in the availability panel. - Performance fix related to SPMV module Template Updates: - Store page update template 1.2.0, supports social media iconsVersion 1.6.17 - MarketKing Core and Pro - May 27th, 2023
Fixes: - Reviews backend bug fix - Compatibility fix for B2BKing integration update - Minor bugs and fixesVersion 1.6.10 - MarketKing Core and Pro - May 18th, 2023
Enhancements: - Added ‘Status’ column to vendor dashboard products and orders - Manual balance adjustments now visible to vendors under ‘Earnings’ - Added ‘total earnings’ widget to earnings dashboard page - Implemented SweetAlerts on the vendor dashboard - Added support for Fooevents multi-day - Added support for Sequential Order Nr plugin by Webtoffee - Added group setting to force all products to be sold individually Fixes: - Fixed bug where all vendors had the same document verification results - Fixed bug allowing empty file verification submissions - Fixes occasional issue where visibility cache of products was deleted - Admin Custom Order Fields fix for 1.16.0 + - Fixed bug showing ‘You have multiple vendor package products in cart’ error incorrectly. - Fixed performance bugVersion 1.5.71 - MarketKing Core - April 5th, 2023
Enhancements: - Added support for plugin - Added “Copy URL” feature on Products dashboard page. Fixes: - Compatibility fix for Astra theme - Bookings button error fixVersion 1.5.60 - MarketKing Core and Pro - March 25th, 2023
New Features: - New Bookings module - Added integration with Admin Custom Order Fields plugin Enhancements: - Added integration with “FooEvents” plugin. - Added new setting for “Rules Set Vendor Commission' for Commission Rules, in MarketKing → Settings → Commissions. - Improved Product / Coupon buttons on mobile. - The plugin will now highlight which products were imported or could not have been imported and why. - Tables now save visible columns for the current session. - Added category hierarchy to vendor groups category selection - Made it required for vendors to choose at least a product when configuring a coupon Fixes: - Fixed issue where variable products created by the site admin and attributed to a vendor had issues during variation export. - Fixed commission invoice bug - Fixed “vendor id” import issue for products without ID - Fixed issue where shop manager imports in the backend would be redirected to the vendor dashboard after finishing. Template Updates: - edit-product.php 1.0.4 - manage-order.php 1.0.2Version 1.5.30 - MarketKing Core and Pro - February 15th, 2023
Enhancements: - Improvements to Stripe orders in backend: added direct link to transaction and more error info in order notes in case of failed payments. - Added ability to quickly “deactivate” a vendor, by simply changing their vendor group to “no group(inactive)”. When this happens, their store will no longer be visible. Their products will remain visible but not purchasable. - Added customer order notes to the order management page in the vendor dashboard - Added “Remove Product Tabs” option at the group level to allow removing certain edit product tabs for specific groups. Only works for some plugins' and themes' tabs. - When using “Price based on country” plugin, it will now calculate earnings in the default currency of the site by applying the exchange rate, in order to keep calculations correct. - No stock / low stock email notifications now go to each vendor for their own products. - Added RTL support to vendor dashboard: Fixes: - Styling fix for WooCommerce Product Add-Ons integration - Fixed issues with ‘Name your price’ integration - Fixed bug with SPMV module that did not allow clearing vendors + did not remove product when in TrashVersion 1.5.00 - MarketKing Core and Pro - January 14th, 2023
New features: - Added "Auctions" module - Added “Bundles” module - Added integration with 'WooCommerce Waitlist' plugin - Added integration with 'Per-Product Shipping' plugin - Added integration with 'WooCommerce Price Based On Country' plugin - Added integration with ‘WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels’ plugin - Added integration with ‘WooCommerce Min / Max Quantities’ plugin - Added integration with ‘WooCommerce Measurement Calculator’ plugin - Added integration with ‘WooCommerce Box Office’ plugin - New email: "New product requires approval" - sent to the admin when a vendor submits a product that needs approval. - New email: "Your product has been approved" - sent to the vendor when the admin has approved their product. - New email message: "You have a new withdrawal request" message is sent to admin when a vendor requests a withdrawal. - Added option for admin to be exclusive shipping fee recipient (for cases where admin does the shipping). - Added new option for 'Commission Invoices'. It is now possible to enable commission invoices in MarketKing -> Settings, and vendors+admin can download invoices with the seller's commission. Currently only works with WpOvernight PDF invoices. Enhancements: - "Received" column now added to orders page to easily show which orders have been marked as received by the customer. - The admin user vendor can now buy their own products - Links in 'order' emails now go to vendor dashboard when vendor not admin Fixes: - Fixed issue where emails would not be sent. - Deprecated functions fix - Fixed bug with dropdown selections in vendor dashboard Template Updates: - Store Page 1.1.7Version 1.4.55 - MarketKing Core and Pro - December 26th, 2022
Enhancements: - Added feature that allows making specific shipping methods admin-only (in MarketKing -> Settings -> Vendor Capabilities) - Better currency handling in vendor dashboard Fixes: - Fixed bug where payouts template could not be overwritten. - Fixed license activation issues - Fixed jQuery sortable JS error - Fixed issue where product ownership could get mixed across admin users, leading to wrong split orders - Fixed issue where sub-orders could not be completed because of payment capture errors. - Fixed issue where tinymce editor did not load with flatsome theme - Performance fix for site backend - Fixed issue where products could not be added by a vendor to their own store if not purchasable - Fixed membership packs bug where not all packs would be dispalyed - Fixed attributes import issue - Fixed payouts page error bug Template Changes: - Fix for reviews in store-page.php template - Update memberships template to 1.0.1Version 1.4.42 - MarketKing Core and Pro - December 4th, 2022
Fixes: - Fixed bug where payouts template could not be overwritten. - Fixed license activation issuesVersion 1.4.40 - MarketKing Core and Pro - November 30th, 2022
Enhancements: - Added '[marketking_vendor_reviews]' shortcode, to allow displaying reviews anywhere on the site. - Added built-in auto-updates and license verification system - Multiple subscription products can no longer be purchased at the same time - Updated URLs with new URL constant for easier template usability Fixes: - Fixed bug where store profile menu was occasionally replaced with menu - Fixed bug where order right sidebar would be occasionally inaccessible - Fixed error when searching for attributes in vendor dashboard - Fixed issue with Sumo subscriptions integration where failed orders would still amount to a vendor group change - Fixed issue with review pagination when using base store URLVersion 1.4.25 - MarketKing Core and Pro - November 4th, 2022
Enhancements: - Vendors can now display youtube videos on their about us page. - Improvements to store url verification during registration - Product slugs are now based on product names Fixes: - Fix for [marketking_vendors_list] shortcode - Error fix when submitting reviews - Error fix related to REST API - Fixed bug where team members were not able to add new productsVersion 1.4.10 - MarketKing Core and Pro - October 21st, 2022
Enhancements: - Added compatibility with 'WooCommerce Name Your Price' plugin. - Additional panel options for integration with B2BKing - Now possible to disable vendors' ability to sell products on backorder at the group level Fixes: - Errors and Deprecation FixesVersion 1.4.0 - MarketKing Core and Pro - October 12th, 2022
New Features: - Added 'Store Categories' module, allowing you to organize vendors by custom defined categories: Enhancements: - Added setting that allows existing users to apply for a vendor account (setting in MarketKing -> Settings -> Registration) - Added option for admin to receive all tax - Tax now visible to vendors in orders table when vendor receives tax - Improvements to profile icons in bars and messages Fixes: - Fix for [marketking_vendors_list] shortcode - Fixed product import issue with SKU - Update with fix for Coupon creation in latest WooCommerce 6.9.4 version Template changes: - stores-list.php updated to 1.0.2 (adds support for store categories module) - store-page.php updated to 1.1.5 (adds support for store categories module) - sidebar.php (adds support for store categories module) - profile-sidebar.php updated to 1.0.1 (improvements to profile icons) - orders.php updated to 1.0.1 (adds support for tax options) - header-bar.php updated to 1.0.2Version 1.3.30 - MarketKing Core and Pro - September 30th, 2022
Fixes: - Fixed issue with product exports - Minor error fixesVersion 1.3.25 - MarketKing Core and Pro - September 28th, 2022
MarketKing Core and Pro: New Features: - Added setting to allow adding store URLs to base URL (e.g. allows direct store URLs such as - Added [marketking_dashboard_header] shortcode, which allows showing the dashboard header with messages, announcements, profile anywhere on your site. Enhancements: - Added Vendor ID to WooCommerce Products Importer and Exporter - Added automated image resizing for faster image loading - Implemented simplebar for better sidebar scrolling Fixes: - Fixed issue where vendors could not connect to Stripe while in Live mode. - Minor error fixes in MarketKing Pro Template changes: Important - To prevent naming conflicts, MarketKing templates now have to be added under the theme folder within a folder named 'marketking'. If you have existing templates under your theme folder, please create a 'marketking' folder and moved them inside that folder. OR alternatively, you can allow the previous behaviour (directly under theme folder), by adding this PHP snippet to the site: add_filter('marketking_allow_template_overwrite_direct_theme_folder','__return_true'); - Added image resizing functions for better performance to: -- store-page.php, Store Page template updated to 1.1.0 -- products.php, Dashboard products template updated to 1.0.1 -- stores-list.php, Stores list page template updated to 1.0.1 - Updated sidebar.php, Sidebar template to 1.0.1, implemented simplebar for scrollingVersion 1.3.10 - MarketKing Core and Pro - September 15th, 2022
New Features: - Added ability to control allowed tags by group Enhancements: - Styling improvements Fixes: - Adds support for WooCommerce 6.9.1 - fixes issue with product type dropdown. - Fixed issue with displaying 'Store Reviews' backend page in Woo 6.7 and above.Version 1.3.0 - MarketKing Core and Pro - September 1st, 2022
New Features: - Introduced Elementor module that allows designing the vendor store page with Elementor Enhancements: - Vendor dashboard title now follows page title - Separated product addons as an optional module for vendors - can now be disabled Fixes: - Fixed issue with WPML integration and SPMV module - Fixed issue with changing tab after switching products page (pagination) number Template updates: - Store-page.php updated from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 - minor update, non-essentialVersion 1.2.10 - MarketKing Core and Pro - August 26th, 2022
Enhancements: - Creating variations no longer requires saving the product first - Plugin pages now highlighted in backend -> Pages - Vendor dashboard favicon can now be configured in setting - Improved how custom color schemes are applied in vendor dashboard - Added additional pre-built color scheme options - Faster backend performance via image preloads - Improved mobile experience in the vendor dashboard Fixes: - Fixed issue where empty products were added in the vendor dashboard, when adding a new product - Fixed shipping tab bug in vendor dashboardVersion 1.2.0 - MarketKing Core and Pro - August 17th, 2022
New Features: - Introduced Stripe Connect Split Pay Gateway - Added 'Clone Product' option in vendor dashboard for easier product creation - Integration with QR Codes plugin Enhancements: - Added caching to plugin dashboard data for faster backend performance - Dashboard UI improvements - Improved handling of bonus payments - Attributes can now be configured without saving the product first Fixes: - Bug and error fixes - Fixed dashboard and reports chart draw errors - Compatibility fix with Flatsome theme - Fixed commission error related to partial refunds - No longer possible to make withdrawal requests exceeding balanceVersion 1.1.06 - August 6th, 2022
MarketKing Core and Pro: New Features: - Added integration with WOOF products filter plugin Enhancements: - Improvements to Product, Coupon, Team and Order UI in the Dashboard - Improvements to Attributes UI in the Vendor Dashboard - 'Save New Products First' complication has been removed. - 90% of plugin pages now open with ajax fast loading Fixes: - Fixed some linking errors - Various error and bug fixesVersion 1.1.0 - August 1st, 2022
New Features: - New module: Shipping Tracking - Vendors can add shipping packages. Supports DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT, Royal Mail, USPS, etc. and custom tracking URLs. ( ) - Added compatibility with WebToffee Invoicing plugin, supporting invoices, packing slips, shipping labels, etc. ( ) Enhancements: - Improved compatibility with WOOCS in vendor dashboard - Added [marketking_vendors_list] shortcode, that allows showing a specific group of vendors. Usage example: [marketking_vendors_list group=862] - Added support for additional code hooks - Added support for selected HTML tags in vendor about us page. - Store list and individual store pages templates can now be copied and edited directly under the theme (or child theme) folder ( )Version 1.0.76 - July 23rd, 2022
MarketKing Core and Pro: Enhancements: - Introduced support for new filters in the vendor dashboard - General improvements to links display Fixes: - Fix for issue where the stores list page was not searchable for logged out users. - Fixed issue with country / state selector connection in registration - Fixed CSS issue in products page in dashboard - Fixed issue where vendors could see products they did not own. - Fix for directory overwriting templates for child themes - Fixed issue with the display of order items on the manage order page - Fixed issue where vendor did not display in admin orders page - Fixed conflict with Elementor on product page in some situations - Fixed 'select multiple options' bug for registration fields in backend. - Fix for Primrose theme - Fixed error in the vendor dashboard product section related to the Image Gallery section.Version 1.0.61 - June 21st, 2022
New Features: - added ability to copy dashboard files to theme folder to overwrite them - added ability to sync with wp roles - added [marketking_vendor_product_page] shortcode - added options to force all products to be virtual (no shipping) for specific vendor groups - added options to force all products to be downloadable (digital) for specific vendor groups - added control over if vendors can select multiple categories for a product per vendor group - added option to control whether vendors can add new attributes per vendor group Fixes: - styling improvements and fixes - fixed my account errors - bug fixes in MarketKing Core plugin - fixed attributes configuration errorVersion 1.0.35
New Features: - Added setting at the group level to make all vendor products non-taxable. For example this can be useful if there's a group of retail sellers that should not be able to charge VAT on their products. - Added compatibility with WooCommerce Product Addons ( ) - Added compatibility with Plugin Republic’s Product Addons Ultimate ( ) Enhancements: - Improvements to mobile dashboard displays Fixes: - Minor bugs fixes - Fixed issue where vendors could see other media items not belonging to themVersion 1.0.2
New Features: - Added compatibility with WooCommerce PDF Vouchers plugin - Added integration with YITH POS plugin: orders placed via POS for products that belong to multiple vendors are split into multiple sub-orders. Fixes: - Fixed single product multiple vendors array_merge query error - Fixed minor errors and noticesVersion 1.0.0
Initial Release