MarketKing's support module allows your vendors to handle support for their products or orders. When this module is enabled, vendors can choose from 3 possible ways to handle support:
- MarketKing's messaging module
- External URL (vendor's own ticketing system, forum, etc.)
- Dedicated support email

Admin Settings
The admin has several settings at their disposal to control how this works:

The admin can enable or disable any of the 3 methods, so for example if you do not want to allow support through external means like URL or email, you can easily disable those.
The admin can also control where support options should show: in the product page, order page, or both.
Product Page Support
After a user purchases a product, a dedicated "Product Support" tab becomes visible to the user in the product page (the support tab is only visible to customers who purchased a product).
If the vendor chooses to offer support through an external URL, this tab will simply contain a button that links to the vendor's support platform.

If the vendor offers support via dedicated email or the in-built messaging system, customers will see a support request form:

The customer can send a support request here, which the vendor will receive either by email, or by both email and within the messaging system.

Support Through Messaging System
This option requires that the plugin's messaging module is enabled. When used, each support request creates a conversation with the vendor. The customer can reply to this conversation from their my account section, whereas the vendor has a dedicated messaging panel.

Order Page Support
When this option is enabled, a support request form also becomes available in the order details page.